Are You Negative, Or Positive?
It’s All A Mind Game!
First thing is you have to rewire your brain. You know when bad things happen and remember how that made you feel, at that moment, you had a choice to make, good or bad positive or negative, it IS our choice at those times! Me and my Wolf will tell you we came from “the school of hard knocks”. Every time it was our decision whether to handle it in a positive manner. Did we? Not all the time. Some things we did we made really bad choices.
Let Us Begin
1, 2, 3, GO!
If you have read any other lens by me you already know that I try learning lessons every day that will make me a better person. I strive on that, that is my purpose to always be learning always becoming better. “But it feels good to be bad” have you heard that? I have gone through enough in my life I knew I had a choice to make, I could either be better or bitter, but what it boiled down to it was MY choice!
Tossed Salad!
The Choice Was Mine
It’s a real funny story, looking back now, but I learned one of the most important lesson over tossed salad.
My kids were young I was trying my best to run a house without fighting with my ex. I had one mean temper back then, things would happen and I would get so mad, that if anyone got in my way at that moment, it was never good, I would make excuses, for my behavior, because I never wanted to look within and “fix” me it was always someone else’s fault. Know anyone that plays the victim? I was one of those people, but one bag of salad would change me forever.
I was shaking a bag of salad, and it came unzipped, salad went everywhere! I knew then and there I really did have a choice, whether to become better over that or bitter, but ultimately it was MY choice what to do next. I stopped and thought about it, option 1: I could get mad throw a fit and be mad the rest of the night, or option: 2 was to remain calm and just clean it up. I cleaned it up and because of that choice that day I have never forgot, because it changed how I handle things. And you can too, you just have to be mindful at those times and tell yourself you DO have a choice. Let go and move on, makes for a much more peaceful life. Depression
It’s All In The Head
Well not always, there are those who are chemically imbalanced that have to have medication
and I understand that all too well.
The last year and half I have been going through the change of life. Whew! And it’s hot up in here! I’m so sad I want to die, can’t find happiness, I was tired of trying, my emotions were all messed up.
My poor wolf did not know what to do with me, sudden outburst of crying, anger and anything else that was negative. I have never been that sad or “blue” in all my life.
You asked, what did I do? Well I went to the Dr. First got set up on hormones and it seemed to line out a little but not all the way. I still had sad thoughts. My dear sweet Wolf (my husband), still did not know how to make me happy. We started doing affirmations like “I am whole, strong, powerful, harmonious, happy and healthy“.
After a while I began to believe it. My husband had one that was “I am enthusiastic about life and filled with energy and enthusiasim (and would holler) Yeah!!!!!!!!!” You know what it sounded like for me I sure did not have the enthusiasim at first and still struggle but I am getting there. Just remember life is a learning journey never stop learning!